- Wait, n.
- Same as lockout .
- Warrior, n.
- Class of those who are professional soldiers. Typicallysoldiers of fortune or the combat MUD equivalent, EXP .Generally very hardy characters.
- See tank .
- Wear, v.
- command changes the placement of an item of clothing from unused to using.Usually a toggle type command.
- See: equip .
- Weather, n.
- Simulated atmospheric conditions generated by the game itself.These may affect aspects of game play but are typicallysimple messages depicting reports of changingconditions. Example report: "It starts to rain."Sometimes specific to a particular area but also may bepresented on a gamewide basis.Messages identical to weather may also be generated by players usingecho like commands though some games make it easy to tellthe difference by prepending a character like ":" tomessages sent by other players and not those sent by the game.
- See: season .
- Whisper, v.
- Command on many games allowing the actor to send a private message to the named player . Usual form: whisper [to] [message]. Example:whisper joe Hello! -- Would make Joe See: "[your name] whispersHello!"
- Who, v.
- Command lists all presently connected players visible to yourcharacter. Showsidle times , pretitles , titles if applicable.
- See: users , wizlist .
- Wield, v.
- Command to prepare a weapon for use.
- See: equip .
- Wizard, n.
- One who has greater responsibility and more powerful powers then thecommon player. A wizard may build areas and create new objects forplayers to interact with. The definition of who is a wizard varieswidely from game to game.
- See: administrator ,builder , domain , god , root .
- Wizi, v. [Comp. of Wizard Invisibility.]
- Command makes a wizard invisible tomortals . Some MUDs allow the user to set alevel so that only players below that level cannot seethe wizard.
- See: wizard .
- Wizlist, n., v.
- List of all active and empowered wizards .
- See: who , users .
- Wizlock, n., v.
- (1) Condition of a game being closed to entry by all users save those defined as wizards . Often implemented during thepre public phase of game construction.
- (2) Command to affect (1).
- See: newlock .
- WoD, n. [Comp. of World of Darkness.]
- Series of roleplaying games by White Wolf which hasinspired a rather large number of MUSHes.
- World, n.
- (1) Game Universe .
- (2) One or more adjacent and distinct areas classified by descriptionand or means of entry as a unique realm consisting of areas.
- See: areas , universe .
- WoT, n. [Comp. of Wheel of Time.]
- Wheel of Time. A series of booksby Robert Jordan which has inspired a rather large number of MUDs.
- WTF, interj. [Comp. of What the F*.]
- Expressing anger, disbelief or surprise. Often used on its ownwith several question marks: "WTF???"

Encyclopædia of MUDs, © 1993-2000 by Henry McDaniel III. Licensed to Blane Bramble, Virtua-Web Limited.